
Game theory in the popular press.


Game theory and economics in the news

August 17, 2006 The Australian, Economic crunch of ageing
Annuities offer reduced risk for an ageing population, but adverse selection leads to high premiums, as those with high life expectancies are most likely to enroll. (by David Uren)
July 31, 2006 Times Herald-Record, The cost of the moral hazard: You are paying for it
Regular flooding of the Delaware River is due to moral hazard. Responsible parties, including energy companies, face no responsibility as the federal government provides relief. (by Graham L. Brown)
July 27, 2006 Mail and Guardian, Medical schemes under the spotlight
Argues that waiting periods for medical insurance coverage in South Africa should be used only to overcome adverse selection, not to forward discrimination.
March 15, 2006 ABC News, Lose the weight, or wear the bikini on TV
Thomas Schelling's Nobel prize winning theory helps people diet, with public humiliation facing those who do not lose the weight.
December 8, 2005 Slate, It's not your grandpa's moral hazard anymore
An economist worries about the moral hazard created by the medicare prescription drug benefit. (by Austan Goolsbee)
August 29, 2005 The New Yorker, The moral-hazard myth
Argues that politicians have overstated the moral hazard problem in medical insurance, as few people would overconsume medical services. (by Malcolm Gladwell)
April 19, 2005 Financial Times, Rules that breed selfish conduct
Prisoners' dilemmas are only troublesome when people are assumed to be selfish. Yet, if we predicate public policy on reciprocity and cooperation, better outcomes would result. (by John Kay)
April 8, 2004 Fox News, Private investment protects environment where government fails
Environmental protection suffers from the tragedy of the commons where public lands suffer due to a lack of property rights.
March 25, 2004, Lawmakers voice doubts about health savings accounts
Cites arguments that adverse selection will lead to only the healthiest accepting medical savings accounts, leaving remaining workers with higher health costs.
January 20, 2003 American Medical News, Managed care easing gatekeeper hassles
Discusses the role of capitation and other incentive pay packages in managed care.
November 29, 2002 St. Petersburg Times, Whom do drug benefit managers help?
Suggests that a Medicare prescription benefit would result in financial troubles due to adverse selection.
September 20, 2002 United Press International, Experts chip away at Medicare drug plans
Prescription drug coverage proposals face adverse selection problems as healthy less likely to sign on.
August 29, 2002 New York Times, When economics shifts from science to engineering
Economists design market mechanisms including auctions and the National Resident Matching Program.
March 16, 2002 ABC News, FTC Files Drug Co. Complaint
Generic drug makes paid not to produce generics in cooperation among pharmaceutical manufacturers.
October 24, 2001 ABC News, Drug hoarding and 'Prisoner's Dilemma'
The desire to hoard antibiotics in response to anthrax threats leads to a prisoner's dilemma and limited supplies. (by John Allen Paulos)
July 29, 2001 New York Times, A Bicycling Mystery: Head Injuries Piling Up
Increased use of bicycle helmets leads to moral hazard, more injuries.
May 3, 2001 The Economist, The line of least resistance
Antibiotic resistance presents a tragedy of the commons.
May 2, 2001, Why are we getting so fat?
Is modern medicine lowering the health risks of obesity? and other incentive and moral hazard arguments.
April 28, 2001 New York Times, Adding art to the rigor of statistical science
Bayesian probability analysis gains popularity in uses ranging from effectiveness of medical procedures to email screeners.
March 23, 2001 Dayton Business Journal, Game theory applied to lure health care workers
Hospitals bidding for nurses find themselves in a prisoner's dilemma.
October 23, 1999 New York Times, Selling Fashion Models' Eggs Online Raises Ethics Issues
Internet auctions take a strange turn in allocating ova to highest bidders.
May 3, 1999 Forbes, The wild one
Understanding incentives may explain why helmet laws increase fatalities
October 1, 1998 Physician's News Digest, IPAs confront market challenges
Risk management and incentive pay in physician groups.
July 1, 1997 Pollution Engineering, Industry, regulators learn to play the game
Pollution regulation is a prisoner's dilemma between companies and regulators
September 1, 1993 Atlantic Monthly, Can selfishness save the environment?
The Greenhouse Effect results from a tragedy of the commons which can be overcome with tit-for-tat strategies.