
Game theory in the popular press.


Game theory and economics in the news

December 16, 2000 Environmental News Network, Lizards play rock-paper-scissors in the game of life
Multiple mating strategies survive in the mixed-strategy equilibrium
December 5, 2000 Scientific American, Mating lizards play a game of rock-paper-scissors
Multiple mating strategies survive in the mixed-strategy equilibrium
December 1, 2000, Why Men Pay To Stay Married
Post-divorce wage differentials explained through search and matching models.
December 1, 2000 Server World, B2B: Keep it complex - stupid
Electronic commerce: automated negotiation requires understanding of game theory
November 22, 2000 The, The malls get decked: Retailers minding too many stores
Retail overexpansion the result of a prisoner's dilemma
November 1, 2000 Discover, May the best man lose
Examines alternate voting systems such as the Borda count and notes that John McCain's chances would have been better without a plurality system.
October 31, 2000 Wired, Vote trade: the democratic way?
Nader and Gore supporters demonstrate strategic voting by swapping votes.
October 18, 2000 CNET News, Revenue-sharing contracts boost supply chain performance
Blockbuster experience highlights greater profits from negotiating revenue sharing arrangements in the supply chain.
October 4, 2000 Business World, The unbearable lightness of ad revenue
Electronic commerce: constant-sum games in online advertising
September 28, 2000 Economist, In praise of Bayes
Discusses the rise of Bayesian statistics and reasons for the existence of detractors.
September 1, 2000 Campaign for America, The billionaire's buyout plan
Warren Buffett proposes to change the rules of the campaign finance strategic voting game
August 27, 2000 New York Times, A tale of two fisheries
Fisheries in Rhode Island suffer from the tragedy of the commons
August 25, 2000, To the last 'survivor'
Examines cooperation in extensive-form games on the TV show "Survivor."
August 25, 2000 CNN Money, De Beers buffs its image
Discusses the transformation of the diamond cartel in light of greater competition.
July 24, 2000 Global Economic Forum, Global: Coming to Grips with Moral Hazard
Examines the inherent moral hazard created by bail-outs of international financial markets.
July 12, 2000 Beyond, Putting the pawn into rocket science
Application of zero-sum pursuit-evasion games to missile defense.
July 12, 2000 Science a GoGo, The game of missile interception
Application of zero-sum pursuit-evasion games to missile defense
July 12, 2000 Financial Times, Beauty and the bidder
Auctions are useful market allocation mechanisms when the reward is mostly monetary, but do poorly when the prize is of psychological value. (by John Kay)
July 1, 2000 Lingua Franca, Death of an altruist
Evolutionary biologist George Pierce believed in the evolution of cooperation
July 2000 American Scientist, Mathematical devices for getting a fair share [pdf]
A lengthy introduction into both cooperative and non-cooperate game-theoretic elements of fair division. Includes a good synopsis of cooperative solution concepts. (by Theodore P. Hill)
June 19, 2000 eeTimes, Bill Gates could gain a lot from a little game theory
Discusses tit-for-tat as an optimal strategy in repeated games
June 1, 2000, The 2000 compensation survey: Riding the bull
Stock options reward executives when prices rise but this does not mean incentives are aligned.
June 1, 2000 New York Times, Managing online security risks
Proper assignment of liability creates the incentives for those best able to manage risk to do so.
April 28, 2000 CNN Money, Britain's cellular bonanza
Third generation (3G) cell phone services auction in Britain
April 23, 2000 The Observer, Sold to the slyest bidder
Information and toeholds in auctions for UK soccer teams
April 10, 2000 Lou Krieger, A little game theory
Optimal bluffing in poker requires understanding mixed strategies
March 30, 2000 Nature, Survival of the clearest
Evolutionary game theory used to explain the evolution of human language.
March 20, 2000 BusinessWeek, Online Auctions: Going, Going, Gone...Sucker!
Despite the popularity of online auction sites, auctions suffer from several shortcomings including the winner's curse and design issues. (by Peter Coy)
February 7, 2000 First Monday, Social Science at 190 MPH on NASCAR's biggest speedways
Race cars drafting (tailgating) go faster together resembles a stag hunt game
January 25, 2000 New York Times, Paradox in Game Theory: Losing Strategy That Wins
Alternating between two losing gambles can lead to winning
January 1, 2000 Scientific American, For quantum prisoners, there may be no dilemma
Quantum computing holds a solution to the prisoner's dilemma